How to Make 2024 Your Year of Smart Investments & Big Wins
How to Make 2024 Your Year of Smart Investments & Big Wins
2024 has arrived and with it, new investment opportunities. See which Asian stocks are set to soar and which ones to sell.
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Greenblatt's Magic Formula: Invest Smarter Globally 🌎
Greenblatt's Magic Formula: Invest Smarter Globally 🌎
Maximize your investment returns using the Greenblatt Magic Formula. Quant Investing's screener helps you find undervalued, high-profit companies globally. Customize your search to suit your unique investment goals.
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Craft Your Winning Investment Strategy for 2024
Craft Your Winning Investment Strategy for 2024
Want a lasting investment success in 2024 and beyond? Explore time-tested strategies tailored to your personality, to help navigate prosperous and challenging markets
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2023 Market Masters: Investment Strategies that Won
2023 Market Masters: Investment Strategies that Won
Discover the investment strategies that beat 2023's economic hurdles. This article highlights the most successful strategies in global market uncertainties, offering practical advice for resilient investing.
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💹Buffett's Japan Picks: Your Next Big Win?
💹Buffett's Japan Picks: Your Next Big Win?
Discover Warren Buffett's major Japan investments in our latest Shareholder Yield Letter. Discover a stock with a remarkable 12.0% shareholder yield. Is this the high-return opportunity you've been waiting for?
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Value Composite 2: Beyond Price to Book
Value Composite 2: Beyond Price to Book
Ever wondered how removing the price to book ratio in Value Composite 2 can improve your returns? This article gives you insights into this advanced strategy, perfect for investors seeking a detailed analysis.
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2023 Backtest Update: Mastering the Magic Formula
2023 Backtest Update: Mastering the Magic Formula
Dive into the updated Magic Formula backtest and see how it's performing in the current market. A must-read for any investor managing their own portfolio.
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How to Survive the 2024 Zombie Company Apocalypse 🧟‍♀️
How to Survive the 2024 Zombie Company Apocalypse 🧟‍♀️
Uncover how to identify zombie companies in 2024. Stay informed with our comprehensive financial ratio guide.
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Revealed: Our Newsletter's Impressive Journey 📈
Revealed: Our Newsletter's Impressive Journey 📈
Newsletter's Performance Unveiled: Ever wondered how our Quant Value newsletter has fared over time? We're breaking down our long-term performance and strategy success.
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2024's Top Global Magic Formula Stocks ✨
2024's Top Global Magic Formula Stocks ✨
Discover the top Global Magic Formula stock picks for 2024. Learn how to integrate this strategy seamlessly into your portfolio, quality companies at bargain prices
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Why You're Not Failing: Choosing the Right Investment Benchmark
Why You're Not Failing: Choosing the Right Investment Benchmark
Puzzled about not beating the market? It's crucial to choose the right benchmark. Get guidance on comparing your portfolio with the right index, ensuring a fair assessment. Don't follow the crowd; find the right measure for your unique investment style.
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Simplify Your Investing: Quant Stock Screener
Simplify Your Investing: Quant Stock Screener
Navigate the stock market effortlessly! Our Quant Investing Stock Screener aligns with your unique investment strategy for targeted, efficient results.
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From Hedge Funds to Personal Portfolios: Karl-Mikael Syding's Investment Evolution 📊
From Hedge Funds to Personal Portfolios: Karl-Mikael Syding's Investment Evolution 📊
Unveil the secrets of successful investing with Karl-Mikael Syding's transformation from a hedge fund manager to a savvy personal investor. Learn about his risk management techniques and long-term investment philosophy in this insightful interview. 📈
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