Search results for Philip-Vanstraceele

✨ Systematic Value Investing: Decoding Best Investment Strategies in an 11-Year European Analysis
✨ Systematic Value Investing: Decoding Best Investment Strategies in an 11-Year European Analysis
Discover the secrets of systematic value investing! Learn from the 11-year research examining small vs. large companies, and different portfolio sizes. Find out which strategies triumphed in a challenging market.
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5 star quant fund manager shares secret to his success
5 star quant fund manager shares secret to his success
In this article a 5 star quant fund manager shares the secret to his investment success
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Your best strategy in 2016… so far
Your best strategy in 2016… so far
What investment strategy would have given you the best return so far 2016?
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Does the Magic Formula also work in Finland?
Does the Magic Formula also work in Finland?
The Magic Formula investment strategy was able to outperform the Finnish stock market with less risk over the 13 year period from May 1997 to May 2010. The back test also discovered something unusual that can increase your Magic Formula returns even more.
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