Market Leaders

Market Leaders

Market Leaders is a group of large companies on steroids. The term Market Leaders was defined by James O'Shaughnessy in his excellent book What Works On Wall Streets.


Large companies on steroids

They are non-utility companies extracted from the screener database of more than 22,000 companies with larger than average:

  • Market value
  • Number of shares outstanding
  • Free Cash flow and
  • Sales above 1.5 times the average of the universe


Companies with a market value of less than €50 million are excluded from this universe.


How to select Market Leaders

To select only Market Leader companies click the drop down list of any of the four sliders and under the heading Growth click on Market Leaders.


How to use the ratio

Available as a screening ratio: Yes

Available as an output column ratio: No


Note: Because Market Leaders gives you a list of companies that meet the above criteria the slider cannot be used to change the Market Leaders selection.


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