Shareholder Yield Letter launched

This newsletter gives you ideas based on the best large cop investment strategy we found
17/05/2023 | Newsletter , Shareholder-Yield

You may remember a few months ago I wrote to you about a new newsletter we are planning based on the best large company investment strategy we ever tested.

Well, it is available and you can read more about it here: What the Shareholder Yield Letter is all about.

First a bit of history…


What you can expect from the Shareholder Yield Letter

Our aim with the newsletter is to give you great returns while taking up as little of your time as possible.

That is why we chose the Shareholder Yield investment strategy and applied it to the Market Leaders investment universe. It recommends large companies, easy to buy, and it has a great track record of market beating returns.

Each month we give you just the information you need so will not bore you with long editorials.


To sign up for the Shareholder Yield Letter right NOW! - Click here


How we select ideas for the newsletter

Because a lot of readers asked, we wrote an article to show you exactly how we select the ideas for the newsletter. Click the link below to go to the article:

How we find ideas for the Shareholder Yield investment newsletter


Only thing left for you to do

You have seen exactly why and how the Shareholder Yield Letter beats the market, the only thing you have to do to get this market beating strategy working in your portfolio is to take two minutes and subscribe.

It costs less than an inexpensive lunch for two and if you do not like it, you get your money back – no questions asked.


PS It is so easy to put things off and forget, so why not sign up right now while it is still fresh in your mind.


To sign up for the Shareholder Yield Letter right NOW! - Click here